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EPOS is aware of the importance of its employees for the success of the demanding contracts in which it is involved, and the competence and dedication of each of its professionals are some of the main pillars of the company’s success.

In this sense, and aware that the motivation and appreciation of its employees are essential to the proper functioning of the company, EPOS adopts development mechanisms, through learning and training processes, certification and internal development that reinforce the investment in its people.

The cohesion and trust of our team of over 700 employees are the guarantee of success for future challenges.


The deepening and advancement of the skills of EPOS employees, rather than a legal imperative or a customer requirement, is seen as a strategic vector.

The development of qualifications and technical, relational and cognitive skills is an essential condition for the achievement of the objectives and strategy of EPOS, with direct implications on the quality of the final product provided to customers. Consequently, it contributes to a change in the attitudes and behaviours of employees, creating a more satisfactory environment, an increase in motivation, making them more receptive and an integral part of the company. EPOS encourages involvement, cooperation, initiative and critical spirit, seeking the development and success of the company, in a policy of stability and development of our people.

To respond to the commitment of permanent improvement of human resources, the Training and Development Management area has as main challenges to attract, develop and retain workers, in a process of permanent management, valuing people through training processes, the development of critical skills and ensuring the continuous learning of our employees.

Every year, training projects are carried out and promoted in the different works and geographies, in the most diverse thematic areas and training modalities, aimed at the universe of internal and external workers, covering several professional categories, essentially seeking to increase the skills associated with the main tasks and operations that they perform, as well as to promote health and safety and risk prevention.

In the context of development and enhancement of its people, EPOS provides all its employees with the necessary means for their training and improvement of their educational and professional qualification levels.

The certification of skills (Vocational and School) is one of the areas in which EPOS invests more resources, having a strategic nature, fundamental to the competitiveness of the company, being at the same time an asset for the workers. Moreover, in the perspective of school certification, EPOS was a pioneer in the signing of protocols with official entities, allowing its employees to develop processes of Recognition, Validation and Certification (RVCC) School, adjusted to their specific characteristics (schedules, training content, etc.), with great success in achieving the desired objectives.


At EPOS we have a firm commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion of all people who work for us. In 2023, EPOS (Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterráneas S.A. Branch in Spain) approved the 1st Equality Plan, applicable in Spain. It includes various specific measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between men and women, work-life balance, and the promotion of new forms of leadership within the organization. In 2023, EPOS (Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterráneas S.A. Branch in Spain) also approved the Protocol for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment. With this protocol, EPOS expresses its zero tolerance towards the occurrence throughout its organization of conduct that constitutes Sexual Harassment, Harassment on the Basis of Sex and/or on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Identity, Gender Expression or Sexual Characteristics.

Consult here the I EPOS Equality Plan and the Protocol for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment.